Susan M. Sailors


Susan M. Sailors lives in Ann Arbor with one husband and three cats. She taught college English for several years, but now focuses more on her own writing and less on the comma splices and sentence fragments of freshmen students. She also does freelance editing though, so she still runs into grammar errors all the time. She writes in every genre, including horror, fantasy, science fiction, and her work can be found all over the web with e-publishers and in various genre magazines. She began writing seriously in graduate school and sold a short story to The First Line in November 2003 just after graduating with an M.A. in Literature from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. When she isn’t writing, she spends lots of time editing between watching episodes of Dark Shadows and Doctor Who and reading H.P. Lovecraft and Lord Byron. When she is writing, she’s usually listening to The Cure, The Damned or My Chemical Romance.