I am a graduate of Trinity University with a B.S. in Business Administration, served in the Navy for four of the most interesting years of my life, and once got arrested in Mexico (wouldn't you love to know why?). I have traveled extensively. My favorite destination is of course Paris, followed by Bahrain, Hong Kong and Sicily. I fell in love with romance after reading The Flame and the Flower at age 13. My first attempt at romance was three binders of an ongoing saga of Duran Duran, specifically John, Simon and Roger and myself. I decided to become a writer after I got busted with said notebook, and grounded for the explicit sexual content. My parents wouldn't believe I had actually never had sex, just read about it. I figured it must have been partly believable. I married a cowboy from Illinois and have two of the most intelligent, gorgeous children in the world. I met my husband in Japan. We had our first date in Hawaii, and got married in San Diego. I have lived in Southern California, Chicago, and Sicily and currently reside in the South. I love to hear from fans, so feel free to email.