Let’s see...breaking it down into a list, I’m a: wife, mother, cook, cleaner, nappy changer, sewer of buttons and darner of socks, waitress, nurse, teacher, gardener (well, sometimes), handyperson, and writer of romantic books, just to name a few.
I am obsessed with the color blue, and a chocoholic (Please feel free to send donations to the chocoholic’s cause).
I have been writing ever since I could read, and living in a fantasy world almost endlessly. I have to thank to my hubby and kids, who often knock me back to Earth and keep me grounded.
In my teenage years I discovered romance novels, then paranormal romance. I’m a sucker for the ones where the hunky hero can wield a sword, save the day, and get the lady.
I welcome feedback from my readers, so feel free to e-mail me at angelacastleleros@yahoo.com, or you can visit my website, http://www.angelacastle.net
Included in Angela Castle’s accomplishments with Torrid Books are four Number One Bestsellers with 14 consecutive months topping the Torrid Books Bestseller list, and in July 2012 Ms. Castle was named the Torrid Books Author of The Year, with her Bestselling book of 2011 ABDUCTING ALICE: WARRIORS OF KELON BOOK 1 named Torrid Books’ Book Of The Year!