eISBN: 9781611601756

Darkness Reborn

by Christy Poff

Lucien Andropov endures life altering changes when he runs afoul of a petty thief. What he learns from this encounter alters his entire outlook on life, and introduces him to perfection.
Nadia Kavic has long been treated as inferior by her father by virtue of her birth, but when she meets Andropov, sparks fly and her life finds new meaning.
Can Lucien and Nadia rise from the darkness reborn that’s taking over their lives, or will her father’s nefarious plans and Old World beliefs swallow them in its evil?

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About the author Christy Poff

Christy Poff lives in southeastern Pennsylvania with her husband and two kids - her teenage daughter and her son who serves in the Air Force. Stationed in Minot, North Dakota – he is thankfully only a cell phone call away. Previously, she wrote news articles for local newspapers and regional firefighting publications. With her articles, she added photography to her pieces. Writing for several years, she has a deep...

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