eISBN: 9781611604597

Magical Misfire

by Cassidy Kingston

Kayla Bradley is a witch and she has a big problem. She is so attracted to her boss, Ryan Cooper, that she can’t control her magic when she’s around him. She tries to stay away from him, but her best friend Samantha thinks the only way she can cure her problem is to sleep with Cooper.

Ryan Cooper is a mortal lawyer who helps magical people who have been discriminated against. After many disastrous encounters with Kayla, Cooper contacts his sister, who is also a witch. She tells him that witches sometimes misfire when sexually attracted to someone…so Cooper decides to take matters into his own hands…

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About the author Cassidy Kingston

Cassidy is a married mother with multiple degrees in subjects that relate nothing to what she writes about. She loves animals, books and chocolate. She currently lives somewhere in the great state of Alabama where she tries really hard not to melt during the summer. She is a self proclaimed geek and a southern belle that loves writing about things that make other southern belles blush. You can find her...

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