eISBN: 9781611604832

Getting Them Up

by S.B.K. Burns

The story of the abrupt coming-of-age of a young scientist who is faced head-on with physical and sexual rebirth, amid worldwide genetic disaster.

How unfortunate, that little slip-up. He’d let mutant sea creatures loose in Earth’s oceans. One bit him and now his scrawny self has mutated into the body of an Adonis. But he’s a prisoner on a hospital ship, and forced to “cure” its civilian population. Worse—awesome, tall, and nubile reptilian women surround him, but all they want to do is suck his toes. He’d been hoping for much more!

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About the author S.B.K. Burns

From an early age, S.B.K. Burns recited Shakespearean sonnets or sneaked a read of a Broadway script from her parents’ theater magazine. Having worked in the world of science—oceanography, bio-medicine, and aerospace engineering—she brings these experiences to her romances: science fictions and paranormals.

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Books by S.B.K. Burns

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