eISBN: 9781611607413

A Shanghai State Of Mind

by Tigra-Luna LeMar

Rating: Erotic Romance - Controversial
LaToya’s life nearly ended after her father died when she was a child. While she somehow managed to heal after the loss, her mother didn’t. Within months, LaToya’s home was broken, her mother a full-fledged alcoholic.
As an adult, the man she affectionately calls ‘Pops’ dies and LaToya finds her life once again spiralling downward. But in his will Pops insists that LaToya and his own daughter, Jenny, take a vacation together. Everything is going as planned, too—until life sends her into the path of Renshu Li.
On the opening night of his club, Renshu Li meets his sister’s new friend, a dark-skinned beauty unlike any woman he’s ever known. A whirlwind relationship begins between them, with primal urges—both wanting each other with a carnal need neither of them can control. But there are things in LaToya’s past that have her running for the hills every time they have a disagreement. Renshu Li knows that—sooner or later—something has to give!

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About the author Tigra-Luna LeMar

Konichiwa! I was born on the island of Jamaica then moved to Canada. I am a culturally obsessed Jamaican, baseball/hockey chick who loves CFL football (go Argos!). I started reading romance novels to keep myself out of trouble and out of the way in high school. I began writing poems, songs (lyrics) and short stories then escalated into writing romance (NaNoWriMo) when I was about seventeen. In my spare time...

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