eISBN: 9781611607796

Flight of the Phoenix

by Melanie Thompson

When steam power runs the world anything is possible. In the third and final book of The Saga of the Steampunk Witches, Bryn Sahir’s search for the cure to hers and her sister’s curse takes her to darkest Africa, in the belly of a submarine. When Bryn is stabbed by the Lazarus blade, her sister, Phoenix, and her lover, Quinn, have only days to save her life.

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About the author Melanie Thompson

I was born In British Columbia, Canada and I'm the oldest of five children. I now reside in Bothell, Washington with my three children. I have always had a story in me and with the guidance of my wonderful mother together we wrote The Secret, Shifter and The Sex Slave Shanghai and many more stories. I manage a restaurant by day and write every chance I have. I love Urban...

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