eISBN: 9781633555891

Cupcake Boys

by Melanie Thompson

Steven Henderson and Leslie Carlyle have been friends since childhood. When they open their cupcake store, Baby Cakes, they have no competition. But, when a new cupcake shop opens and starts eating away at their business, it means war!

Loner, Duke Waldon, owns three cupcake stores and is opening a fourth. He doesn’t realize his newest store has to compete against the most delicious, tempting, cupcakes ever baked. When he discovers his competitors are a tall, blond bombshell and a tempting young gay man, he knows he’s in trouble.

Steven and Leslie take Duke into the bedroom, and all the way to Cupcake Battles, where they fight for the coveted Golden Cupcake, fame and fortune.

Will Leslie learn to trust Duke enough to allow him to spank her? Will Duke open up to a gay man? And will Steven have his heart’s desire—a love for a lifetime

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About the author Melanie Thompson

I was born In British Columbia, Canada and I'm the oldest of five children. I now reside in Bothell, Washington with my three children. I have always had a story in me and with the guidance of my wonderful mother together we wrote The Secret, Shifter and The Sex Slave Shanghai and many more stories. I manage a restaurant by day and write every chance I have. I love Urban...

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