eISBN: 9781633556652

Pretty Potions and Sexy Spells, Volume I

by Juliet Cardin

Just This Night
Glenna Cosworth, a five-hundred-year-old witch overcome by loneliness, casts a beauty spell upon herself in an effort to find loveā€”even if it's just for one night.

The Wise Woman
Belinda Cordrey, the village wise woman, has been given an arduous task: cure her lord's impotence...

Nature of the Beast
Ruby, a timeless witch, has been spending passion-filled days with Tarock, an immortal who shifts between man and cat.

Trapped in Time
Cursed by a jealous warlock, Clarissa and Tristan have spent the past one hundred years apart, only to come together when the moon is full and the clock strikes twelve.

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