eISBN: 9781593741822

The Pirate's Lady

by Shari Dare

Samantha Howard is appalled when her father tells her of her impending marriage to Britmore MacDonald, especially since she must travel from England to the Carolinas for it to happen. How can she possibly give up her lover, Tommy, the stable boy?

Brittmore MacDonald, known as Capt’n B while he is at sea, is horrified when his mother tells him of the arrangements that have been made for his marriage to Samantha Howard. When his pirate ship raids the Spanish ship she is sailing on, Samantha becomes his to take. Once he has tasted the honey of her lips, he must find a way to get her to his parents’ plantation so that she can become his wife, without letting his parents know what he does once the Merry Lady is out of sight of land.

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About the author Shari Dare

By day Shari Dare is a wife, mother and grandmother who works her buns off at her day job. In the wee hours of the morning, she is at her computer tapping out stories she hopes her readers will enjoy as much as she does. After finding out how much fun it is writing for the Torrid Romances, look for more books to come in the future.

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