eISBN: 9781593745950

Doctor Heal Thyself

by Christy Poff

World famous sex therapist, Doctor Sheridan Greenlaw, begins to doubt her abilities to treat her patients and her own life after a patient questions her credibility. She decides to seek the answers she needs to go on in both her profession and her life.
A decade’s old hurt runs Ross Beckham’s life until he opens his ranch to a confused woman, one he falls desperately in love with the moment he sees her. His desires demand he make her a part of his life, no matter what it takes.
Others from their pasts decide to destroy their happiness. Can they fight the odds together so the doctor ‘heals thyself’?

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About the author Christy Poff

Christy Poff lives in southeastern Pennsylvania with her husband and two kids - her teenage daughter and her son who serves in the Air Force. Stationed in Minot, North Dakota – he is thankfully only a cell phone call away. Previously, she wrote news articles for local newspapers and regional firefighting publications. With her articles, she added photography to her pieces. Writing for several years, she has a deep...

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