eISBN: 9781603131643

The Halls Of Buchannan

by M C Scout

Best selling author Nicholas Buchannan is a success no matter what he does, except when it comes to his personal life. This changes when he meets Delaney Johnson, a beautiful woman who makes him whole. Married and expecting their first child, they accept an invitation to a gala medieval ball in England.The wheels set in motion, an unseen enemy desires Nick’s total downfall and uses Laney to take everything away. From a stately New Orleans plantation to an ancestral Irish castle, Nick and Laney discover mysterious obsession in the Halls of Buchannan.Will old secrets destroy them or will their love and trust for each other withstand another’s deadly hatred? Genre: Erotic Romance / Suspense Rating: Erotica - Controversial (Contains adult content, language, and graphic sex)

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About the author M.C. Scout

M C Scout lives in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States with her family and deep in the center of Revolutionary history - srange how her love is immersed in the Civil War era and the South. “I grew up learning there is the Northern side, the Southern side and the truth to the Civil War. Finding the truth is fascinating.” Though she began writing only a few years...

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