eISBN: 9781603132879

Hidden Desires

by Susan K Droney

When Sage Ralston takes a job at Boylston Electronics, she soon finds out that her job is more than she bargained for. Under the guise of assistant to the company's owner Charles Boylston, she has actually been hired to spy on her fellow employees. As Sage tries to determine who is sabotaging the company, all evidence points to Connor Michaels who works in the research lab. After getting to know Connor, Sage has her doubts that Connor is the person leaking information about the company and joins forces with the woman to find out who the real culprit is. Genre: Erotic Romantic Suspense Rating: Sensual Romance - Sensual [Contains graphic sexual content and adult language]

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About the author Susan K. Droney

Susan K. Droney is the author of many novels, short stories, and articles. She was raised in western New York and currently resides in New Jersey. She has two daughters and a grandson. Her passions, aside from writing, include traveling, cooking, gardening, walking, and reading.

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